Almost the end of April…
For Larabesko this is the period of the year to fully consult with our dance schools. Discussing back-to-school orders for the new dance year. Indeed … so long in advance your teachers normally place orders for the uniforms. This allows our suppliers to manufacture everything during the coming months. And we can deliver on time in August, just before the start-up.
Now it is very quiet. Workshops are still closed. Orders cannot be passed on. Nobody knows what the coming months will bring. Nobody knows when the dance lessons will be resumed … And yet we do not give up. Back straight, neck long and forward ☺️! Pas-de-chat, grand jeté & 5-6-7-8 !!! We can hardly wait to fly in again.
Shall we, shall we not … What if we do … what if we don’t … How do we ensure together that when the lessons start up again, everyone has their necessary equipment?
This year, according to annual custom, I will also call them all, those cool dance teachers, some a bit more crazy than the other ❤️🤪. Not for an order, but for a chat, hear your opinions about the difficulties we face … Just hear your voice, let us know that we will get there together. See you soon…